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Resource Page


Food: The market accepts debit cards, credit cards and Quest EBT. No cash is onboard or accepted. Hunger Task Force FoodShare Outreach staff will help eligible people apply for FoodShare during market operating hours. The market is an active store, not a food pantry or donation center. All shoppers are welcome on the Mobile Market. Hunger Task Force offers 50% OFF all items on the Mobile Market beyond Piggly Wiggly’s low prices.

Phone Number: (414) 777-0483

Internet: The Internet is a great place to go if you want to keep in touch with family and friends through email, search for a job, or look for information about where to find local resources. But what if you don’t currently have Internet access?

For more information about free or low-cost Internet access options, visit:

Free Cellphone & Plan: Get a Free Cell Phone or Free Cell Phone Service Am I eligible for a free government cell phone, or free cell phone service if I already have my own phone? Anyone who already participates in a state or federal assistance program is eligible for a free cell phone, or free cell phone service. When filling out the application, you have to tell the company what type of assistance you are receiving. FoodShare, Medicaid, or BadgerCare are all examples of assistance programs.

Energy Assistance: The Energy Assistance Program provides qualified Milwaukee County residents with a one-time, annual payment toward heating and electric bills. The funding pays a portion of energy costs determined by household size, income and energy costs. The benefit is usually paid directly to the energy supplier.

Phone Number: (414) 270-4-MKE 

Low-income Senior housing: HACM offers a number of affordable housing units throughout Milwaukee. Visit the Affordable Housing properties page for more information about these properties. 

Rent Rent is generally based on 30% of your income. A security deposit equal to one month’s rent or $150 (whichever is greater) and the first month’s rent is required at the time of leasing. 

Phone Number: 414-286-5678 (voice) or 414-286-3504

Mental Health: The Milwaukee Mobile Crisis team supports callers on the Milwaukee County Crisis Line and provides mental health crisis responses and intervention to individuals of all ages, in the community. This non-police mobile response provides services 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is composed of counselors, therapists, psychologists and nurses.

24/7 Crisis Line: 414) 257-7222

Children Resource for Mke County: Screeners will work with the family to determine if the youth meets the enrollment criteria for the following programs:

  • Wraparound REACH

  • Family Intervention Support & Services (FISS)

  • Children's Community Options Program (CCOP) 

  • Children's Long-Term Support Waiver (CLTS) & More

Screeners will also offer resources for support and services within the community.

Phone Number: (414) 289-6799

Wisconsin’s Medicaid: provides health care coverage for those who: Are age 65 or older, blind, or disabled, Have family income at or below the monthly program limit, Are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants


Phone Number:  888-947-6583


Food Share: FoodShare Wisconsin was created to help stop hunger and to improve nutrition and health throughout the state. FoodShare helps people with limited money buy the food they need for good health.

Phone Number: 888-947-6583 

More resources for kids: Care4Kids help children and teens in foster care find the health services they need, when they need them. The program creates a “medical home” team for these children. This means they get a treatment plan specific to their health care needs. This includes trauma-related care.

Phone Number: 1-844-201-4672


Job opportunities for individuals and veterans with disabilities: Disability Solutions offers tools that enable individuals and veterans with disabilities to land their next great career opportunity.


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